Yasmin Marianna Hunt, MD

Abdominal Surgery Clinic
Clinic hours: Wednesdays, 10.30–11.00 a.m.

Proctology Clinic
Clinic hours: Tuesdays, 5.30–6.00 p.m.

Specialist Fields
General surgery, abdominal surgery and proctology

Current Position
Surgical centre Rožna dolina

Education and Professional Experience
In 1992, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, and in 2001 she completed her vocational training in general surgery.

In 2001, she started working at the Department of Abdominal Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana. After completing her specialist training, she furthered her studies in the field of proctology. She has been employed at the Surgical centre Rožna dolina since 2011.